Wesley's STCCG card of the day #344

Hi, folks,

maybe it's time for a green guy again. Actually, scratch that "maybe" part, if I think about it.


Personnel, Romulan, uncommon QC.
Integrity 5
Cunning 6
Strength 9
SECURITY, Treachery, Tal Shiar, Cybernetics. Staff Star (+).
"Male bodyguard of Sela. Stationed on Romulus. Lieutenant operative in the Tal Shiar's new Android Research section."
Seems simple, but the card isn't that bad. Because until now the Romulans had no unique SECURITY at all. Their only choices (besides resorting to non-aligned crew) were Taul (Treachery, Archaeology) and Jaron (Geology, Youth). And both had a severe drawback: Integrity 4. Which means, that even counting non-aligned crew, the Romulans had no SECURITY that could survive a Firestorm except for that hard to get Roga Danar. So the equation for them was simple: Get Roga or be sure the Firestorm / Barclay's Disease combo gets your entire crew. One of the rare cases where an attribute point can actually prove to be an asset for an affiliation.

Well, on to the next problem Romulans have. Where are those dual classification people? Apart from the two new ones in QC, there's only Mirok. Wow. So the prime Rommie problem always was to get the needed classifications for Dilemmas. But now there's a card that can supply classifications at will: The Soong-Type Android. Isn't it convenient to have a card that allow you to get them out faster, too?

Okay, we talked about Romulan disadvantages. How about a Romulan advantage? They have good big ships and strong crews and can battle. Unless your opponent plays Romulan, too. Hmmm. Wasn't there some skill called Tal Shiar? Forget that restriction.

And that's it. Treachery needn't be mentioned. But otherwise, a decent support card that fixes a few Romulan problems. Nothing to write home about, but it especially helps the not-so well equipped player, as it rids you of troubles that would be most obvious had you to play with litle or no rares.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : TELAK

Wesley's rating:                7.0
Allen's rating:                 6.8
Cole's rating:                  7.5
Data's rating:                  6.5 
Drew's rating:                  7.3
Gowron's rating:                7.3
Hal's rating:                   7.8
Jack's rating:                  6.4
Mot's rating:                   7.0
Nanite's rating:                8.0
Nog's rating:                   5.0
Nouwa's rating:                 7.0
Picarde's rating:               7.5
Q's rating:                     8.0
Ranger's rating:                8.2
Rothspar's rating:              5.0
Tebok's rating:                 8.0
Tania's rating:                 6.5
Tony's rating:                  7.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 7.0

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"