Wesley's STCCG card of the day #313

Hi, folks,

those of you who thought I might override that #312 with a "real" COTD, rest assured this will never happen. That one day in history shall forever be remembered in the COTD archives. And I hope it will also be remembered in your minds. In 2001, you can tell your new STCCG apprentices that you have been there on the day when our game was reborn. Then show them a real QC card and they'll place you somewhere between Warren Holland and Gene Roddenberry on their list of legends. Ah, did I say QC card and did I also mention old age?


Personnel, non-aligned, uncommon QC.
Integrity 6
Cunning 8
Strength 3
CIVILIAN, ENGINEER, Astrophysics, Physics, Scores 10 points if helps solve Test Mission, Discarded when you reach 60 or more points. Staff Star (+).
"Kaelonian. Romantically involved with Lwaxana Troi. Must submit to The Resolution at age 60."
Well, well. Nearly a Geordi, just lacks the Computer Skill and the second ENGINEER. Instead he has the CIVILIAN classification and the extra bonus for Test Mission. Not that Test mission were that great, but increased to a 35-pointer with only one skill requirement this could provide a substantial early game advantage. Unless you're playing Romulan.

Now what more? That dual classification is still somewhere in my mind. And I always preach dual classifications are good. don't I? Just this one does not seem to hit very well. While ENGINEER is always great, it's the CIVILIAN that starts me thinking. The latter has two good uses. First, Colony. CIVILIANs get you extra points there, don't they? That is if they stay alive. Just poor old Timicin will leave the stage once you start scoring some real points. And that means he'll not be there for too long. R*ts.

Second use: Kurlan Naiskos. That little Artifact that makes your ships better than the average Borg Ship. Just too bad it's an Artifact. Once you have it, you also have around 35 points. Which means that you are not going to get too much out of Timicin unless you exclusively go hunting for ships and outposts before trying any other mission. D*rn.

So forget that CIVILIAN classification. If you need that combo, go for Kareen Brianon instead. Same price tag, same expansion.

So as a result, you have a card quite similar to Magic's Black Lotus. Strong in the early game, but useless if drawn late. Just not as good. If you don't go for an incredibly fast deck and make heavy use of Q's Tent, you can put him there. Though I'd usually rather get a Red Alert or a Traveler from there if I get a tent in my starting hand. But if you just got too many tents at a time, you might as well retrieve Timicin.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : TIMICIN

Wesley's rating:                5.4
Cole's rating:                  6.0
Data's rating:                  8.0
Drew's rating:                  5.2
Gowron's rating:                5.0
Hal's rating:                   6.0
Jack's rating:                  5.9
Mot's rating:                   6.0
Nanite's rating:                7.0
Nog's rating:                   7.0
Nouwa's rating:                 7.0
Picarde's rating:               7.0
Q's rating:                     6.0
Ranger's rating:                6.8
Rothspar's rating:              5.6
Tebok's rating:                 7.0
Tony's rating:                  8.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.3

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher
Primary member of the STCCG Players' committee

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"