Wesley's STCCG card of the day #285

Hi, folks,

in case you missed it: There's something new on Decipher's webpage... But before you run off looking there, first read this COTD, okay ? (Otherwise you'll only collide with the 2000 others that also ignored the request ;-) )


Event, uncommon AU.
Plays on table. While in play, nullifies Firestorm, Thought Fire, Plasma Fire, Fire Sculptor and Phaser Burns.
"Away Teams from the U.S.S. Enterprise used an array of Thermal Deflectors to delay Bersallis III firestorms long enough to allow evacuation of the population."
Circle of Protection: Red, right ? ;-)

At least it nixes anything that even remotely looks like fire and does damage. And unlike other "nullifies [insert long Dilemma list here]" cards this one can prove quite useful.

As it worked so well yesterday, I'll again look at the Dilemmas first.

Firestorm: A big killer, even if you are not Romulan you will very often have a personnel with an Integrity below 5 (Vekor!). And no real prevention in sight unless you use the deflectors.

Plasma Fire: A nasty little event usually employed to take out annoying runabouts or Klingon Armada ships as they are quite badly manned. A Kevin will do the trick here, but it's a card each time you could use for better purposes.

Fire Sculptor: Wouldn't know why I should encounter this as it's very specialized. We can probably forget this.

Phaser Burns: More than nasty as it usually means losing three instead of killing one. And again no prevention except Amanda. But one Deflector will take out several Burns...

Thought Fire: Firestorm V.2 upgraded... More universal against affiliations, and a Traveler-counter card. But then, everyone plays with the Traveler.

Thus, a generally useful protection card, even more so when you are playing fairly large teams or have to rely on Vekor for Genetronic Replicator protection. Although this of course greatly depends on your opponent's Dilemma selection. But four of the five cards are so generally useful you can almost bet on seeing at least one of them. And as only one of the 4 be "overcome" without using up a Kevin or Amanda, this protection actually works, unlike the one granted by yesterday's Interphase Generator.

BTW: Can't really figure out why Thermal Deflectors are capable of extinguishing an imagined fire, but then maybe they just prevent the fear of fire as the affected crewmember just knows that it can't hurt him...

Favorite combo(s):

Wesley's rating:                7.0
Allen's rating:                 4.6
Cole's rating:                  7.5
Data's rating:                  5.5
Drew's rating:                  ---
Gowron's rating:                9.0
Hal's rating:                   9.9
Jack's rating:                  6.1
Lakanta's rating:               7.5
Nanite's rating:                8.0
Nouwa's rating:                 4.0
Picarde's rating:               6.5
Q's rating:                     4.5
Ranger's rating:                7.8
Ray's rating:                   6.8
Tania's rating:                 8.5
Tony's rating:                 10.0
Wa'Qah's rating:                7.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.7

And now that you're still here:

The new thing on the website is QC! But not just a cardlist... Not just a spoiler list... (Prepare to download 9 MByte if you want to see it all!!!)

[I can already imagine the transfer rates on their server dropping to about 4 Byte/s per connection, but I don't mind, I got mine this afternoon when nearly nobody else had already found it - German's advantage, I'm just a few hours ahead of you guys ;-) ]

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"