Wesley's STCCG card of the day #277

Hi, folks,

last QC for now, the rest will be seen when we get the real stuff...


Personnel, Non-aligned, rare (?) QC.
Integrity 8
Cunning 2
Strength 12
OFFICER, ENGINEER, Computer Skill, Music, Astrophysics, Exobiology,
During seed phase, may report for duty at your outpost, Command Star (*), AU Icon, Disabled unless Data's Head attached. (When attached, Data's Head does not enhance ship).
"Soong-type android body recovered from Devidia II."

A complex card. First thing most players noticed was that, with the Head attached, you get a full Data. Skill-wise. Second thing that was noticed is that there are some differences:

Several of these differences are marginal (Data Laughing, AU icon - who plays without an AU door today) and at least one of them (the head-separation) has been disputed over the net for a while, but as this has actually been seen in a show (Disaster) and it was a voluntary decision on Data's part, I'd say this is a legal play. However, the loss of the "Data" ability hurts speed decks, as Investigate Time Continuum is often a staple in Feddie Bridge Crew decks.

BTW: The Disruptor Overload debate has not yet been successfully resolved. From a strict rules interpretation the overload can get rid of Data's Head even if attached (obviously the neural circuits blow), but this does not seem very sensible unless Data himself is also subject to the effect. For now however I'd say that Disruptor Overload does affect the attached head (It's illogical, but it's in the rules :-( )

Most important for the non-Feds is of course the ability to get a complete Data without resorting to the less than great Lore's Fingernail. They'll however have to solve a mission to get him, but then, people played with Data's Head before Data's Body was even talked about. But even for Feds this Data can prove valuable as

Yes, a seeded Data. Place the Body on your outpost during the seed phase and take it along when you go for the mission that has Data's Head. Once you have recovered the head, you can instantly attach it and thus gain full use of the card.

Although not as good as the real thing, this Data variant will probably see several uses, especially in non-Fed decks. Perhaps a creative player will find even more applications...

Favorite combo(s):

- Now come on. This one's pretty obvious, isn't it?

Ratings for : DATA'S BODY

Wesley's rating:                6.5
Allen's rating:                 7.9
Cole's rating:                  7.0
Data's rating:                  8.5
Drew's rating:                  6.4
Gowron's rating:                ---
Hal's rating:                   9.6
Jack's rating:                  6.9
Lakanta's rating:               8.0
Nanite's rating:                ---
Nouwa's rating:                 7.0
Picarde's rating:               7.0
Q's rating:                     ---
Ranger's rating:                ---
Ray's rating:                   ?.? (He didn't quite get it)
Tania's rating:                 ---
Tony's rating:                  9.5
Wa'Qah's rating:                ---
AVERAGE RATING:                 7.7

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"