Wesley's STCCG card of the day #161

Hi, folks,

the Romulan fans among you will probably rejoice, here's another card you wouldn't play if you weren't Rommie or playing against them:


Dilemma, Space, uncommon AU.
If Romulan ship present, all ships and personnel here are placed in stasis. Cure with Emergency Transporter Armbands, Timepod Ring or new ENGINEER arriving.
"Sentient dimensional beings whose young incubate in black holes. When nesting in a Romulan ship's artificial singularity engine, a frozen-time effect occurs."
So what. Stasis isn't the worst state to place your opponent into, as it allows you to use Dead in Bed on her and her personnel are gone for an indefinite time. If it just weren't for the trouble this gives you. You need a Romulan ship at the location. So either you use it as a Rommie hoser (as if we had not enough of that card type) which is best placed at some location far, far away or you play Rommies yourself, in which case you have to deposit a ship at the location, empty it and hope for the best. You can turn the latter one into a nice little bluff: play a lot of Scouts or Science vessels and then park one ship at a mission you don't want your opponent to attempt. She'll of course think you have placed some really nasty Dilemma underneath and probably try and find her points at some other location, which then of course contain the REAL Dilemmas.

Against Romulans, this card is really strong, IMHO too strong, but it can of course be prevented by playing a Planet deck (your Rommies won't be able to do without artifacts, anyway) or by using lotsa non-aligned ships which you have quite a few fair ones now.

But then, the trouble using against Rommies is: Who plays Rommies ? Very few people do. And if they do, they don't attempt lots of space missions, trying for their artifacts and not having too much to gain from a Cryosatellite.

So it's rather a nice bluff if playing Rom yourself or at best a sideboard card.

Nice counter (from Matt): Carry an Yridian Shuttle aboard your warbird!

BTW: Sideboard(ing), a few people have asked. When playing in a CCG tourney, the tourney rules often allow you to exchange cards from your deck between rounds with a special stack of cards called your sideboard. (Usually 1/4 of your normal deck size) This is done to be able to better adapt to an opponent's strategy. STCCG currently does not know this concept, but they also don't forbid any deck alteration throughout a tournament, so IMHO your entire collection currently constitutes your sideboard.

Favorite combo(s):

Wesley's rating:                5.0
Cole's rating:                  3.0
Conner's rating:                5.5 (He's back :-) )
Heather's rating:               8.75
Jason's rating:                 5.5
Matt's rating:                  5.5
Movar's rating:                 8.0
Serge's rating:                 6.0
Tony's rating:                  7.0
John's rating:                  7.5 (He added a point of "Movar Bonus"!!)
AVERAGE RATING:                 5.975

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"