Wesley's STCCG card of the day #139

Hi, folks,

it's red, it's uncommon, it's useless:


Personnel, Klingon, uncommon.
Integrity 8
Cunning 5
Strength 7
OFFICER, Leadership, Navigation, Command Star (*).
"Captain K'Vada transported Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lt. Commander Data on an underconver mission to Romulus."
Okay, as a 35 cents common with a flavor text of "Representative of ridge- headed plot devices used by the creators upon noticing they didn't show a Klingon in the last three episodes", this would have been an OK card. But it would never have been a W's COTD, as I would have found nothing to bitch about :-)

But like this, his only strong side is attributes and most players know, it's not that hard to get by attribute requirements with any decent away team or crew. (Unless the requirement is Q's 62 INTEGRITY, that is ) His Skills ? Nothing to write home about. An OFFICER with Leadership is like a Mathematician who knows higher Algebra, somehow quite redundant...
Then Navigation, not bad, but there are so many Klingons with this skill.
Take Kurn (Honor, Diplomacy, Computer Skill and better stats!) if you have him.
If not, try a Nu'Daq who again has better stats and Archaeology and Exobiology.
Still too expensive ? Well, use a Klag, he's common and universal. A little less Integrity and no Leadership, but more in line with his rarity. Almost as good as our K'Vada and much more available. BTW, once more an example how a card gets somewhat augmented and placed in a rarity slot one place less common. Decipher strategy. Yawn.

4 days to AU. Good.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : K'VADA

Wesley's rating:                4.0
Lore's rating:                  3.1 ("boy, you're running out of even slight-
Owen's rating:                  6.5   ly good personnel")
Ian's rating:                   7.0
Jack's rating:                  5.9
Jason's rating:                 7.5
Cole's rating:                  7.4
Mark's rating:                  lost in the depths of the 'rm' command :-(
Movar's rating:                 7.0
Serge's rating:                 3.0
Andrew's rating:                4.5
Ted's rating:                   4.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 5.4

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"