Wesley's STCCG card of the day #131

Hi, folks,

a card for those of you who always longed to see the old uniforms back:


Personnel, Federation, rare, should have been AU but isn't.
Integrity 8
Cunning 4
Strength 5
OFFICER, Leadership, Stellar Cartography, Command Star (*)
"Captain Morgan Bateson was in command of the U.S.S. Bozeman when it was caught in a temporal causality loop from 2278 to 2368."
Um, rare ? Looks more like a not-so-great uncommon to me. But at least there is a deck type he might be able to complement: The nasty little surprise play with 6 space missions. (Ya know, everybody now knows about the 6-planet trick and there are lots of players using 80%+ planet dilemmas, so go for the inverse thing...)

Stellar Cartography is the keyword here, use it for Study Nebula, Study Stellar Collision, Survey Mission (if playing dual-affiliation or espionage) and of course the inevitable Explore Black Cluster - there aren't that many one- man crews that can do a mission alone and as you're probably not expecting too many dilemmas, those quickies really can boost your score.

With AU, the Leadership / Officer qualification will also be of some use, as Morgan may lead a Fed force into battle, let's see what happens...

Stats: Nothing to talk about a lot. Good integrity, average rest.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : MORGAN BATESON

Wesley's rating:                4.5
Lore's rating:                  5.1
Owen's rating:                  7.2
Ian's rating:                   7.5
Jack's rating:                  6.5
Jason's rating:                 7.0
Cole's rating:                  6.8
Mark's rating:                  3.0
Movar's rating:                 6.0
Serge's rating:                 4.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 5.78

PS: For those of you who do also play other card games: Use your STCCG cards for good measure as follows:

1) Playing On the Edge ? Remember that "Copyright Violation" combo from last CONJURE ? We can do better. Throw a Hunt for DNA Program - you'll get a 40 / 55 Character for just 3 cost !

(Alternative: Sarthong Plunder 40/35 for 2, and no, there is unfortunately no way to get one of the year designations into the second slot with a low number in front of it :-( )

And shame on us trekkies: This wins no better that second place. Illuminati is an even better choice. Try Telephone Psychics: 1 (for) 900 / 6. Sorry for the off-topic.

2) Not playing that ? Well, I assume you're at least playing Magic:

(This one is a little more expensive than the previous one)

Start with a good Magic deck. Add a Ring of Ma'Ruf and a Eureka. Play the Ring to get any outside card (well, we take one from STCCG of course), then cast your Eureka, which lets you put any permanent (=creature, enchantment or ar- tif... wait ... ARTIFACT ?) into play at no cost. Now we just need a single artifact that makes no reference to STCCG terms not mentioned in Magic. All of them but one reference either Ships, Event, Draw Deck (which Magic calls Library) or Equipment. But, Horga'hn does not !!! And, it has a whopping effect !!!!! Permanent Time Walk !

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(And by this I mean ALL issues :-) )


Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"