Wesley's STCCG card of the day #121

Hi, folks,

here's another poor man's card:


Personnel, Klingon, common.
Integrity 2
Cunning 6
Strength 6
SCIENCE, Exobiology, Treachery, Staff Star (+), universal.
"Klingon trained in the field of science. Smuggled Federation secrets to the Romulans in the form of amino acid codes."
This one actually makes sense. At least he has one skill that can be useful to many Klingon decks. Exobiology, to be exact. The only other one that has it is Nu'Daq, but he's only an OFFICER, so not of much use during Dilemmas.

Treachery is another one of these, but this is less useful if you have a full set including rares, as you get Lursa and B'Etor (not only do they have better skills, they also have larger t*ts...:-) ). If you don't have them, stick with this little common.

A staff star is better than nil (as all Klingon ships do have a requirement for Staff), and being universal could actually help with this card given the chronical Klingon lack of SCIENCE.

Stats: Big Arrgh. Integrity 2 ????? Firestorm ????? Cunning and Strength 6 each ? Do Klingons come any weaker than this ? (Yes, they do. Ba'El at 4 and K'mpec and K'Tal at 5 each.)

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : J'DDAN

Wesley's rating:                4.0
Conner's rating:                5.0
Habib's rating:                 5.0
Phil's rating:                  6.0
Lore's rating:                  7.2
Owen's rating:                  5.5
Ian's rating:                   4.8
Jack's rating:                  5.6
Jason's rating:                 3.5
GoOski's rating:                4.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 5.00000000000 (Hey, nice number :-) )

BTW: I hope you got the articles #102 to #120 without too much delay. There seems to have been a time problem on Conner's side (he does the distribution for me), so there might have been some weird posting rhythms.
I'm also aware of the "unnamed articles on the Web page" problem. I just can't do anything about it from here :-(
Let's hope it soon returns to the high quality we've been used to.

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: blohmer@pips11.informatik.uni-mannheim.de

Visit the Web Page! http://www.wolfe.net/~conner/COTD.html
With all back issues from #1 up to today !

(Or go to http://www.wolfe.net/~conner/STCCG.html for the main menu with even more great STCCG stuff.)


Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"