Wesley's STCCG card of the day #105

Hi, folks,

something is still missing in STCCG: A mission you can play on a ship as an interrupt. Thus, here comes:


Interrupt, uncommon, Dream Card.
Play on a ship. It must go to the farthest planet to recieve 20 points. You may discard any number of VIP's there for 10 additional points each.
"Many parsecs worth of space have been traversed by starships just to get some V.I.P. where he wanted to be."
Picture: an ornately dressed ambassador.
Again a dual use:

1) Play it on one of your own ships. Either a big one, laden with VIP's in hope of making 60, 70 or even more points at one location (but you'd better make sure you have lots of shields and weapons in order not to be delayed by lots of battles), or just a small Runabout / Scout steered by a single expendable VIP in order to get a quick 30 points and a good distraction. For this purpose, Wormholes, WNOHGB, Transwarp Conduits and similar stuff come in very handy.

2) As an annoyance for an opponent. Especially if used in conjunction with an Incoming Message. Play the VIP Transport, wait until the opponent is almost there, fire the I.M. Opponent has to return to the outpost then go all the way to the farthest planet again with a ship he'd rather use to solve missions. In the meantime: just collect your 100 points.

Favorite combo(s):
Rating : 8.0

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: blohmer@pips11.informatik.uni-mannheim.de

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With all back issues from #1 up to today !

(Or go to http://www.wolfe.net/~conner/STCCG.html for the main menu with even more great STCCG stuff.)


Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"