Wesley's STCCG card of the day #98

Hi, folks,

care for another Yar?


Personnel, Non-aligned, uncommon.
Integrity 3
Cuning 7
Strength 8
CIVILIAN, Treachery, Youth, Staff Star (+)
"Sister of Lieutenant Natasha Yar. Once betrayed the U.S.S. Enterprise crew in an attempt to aid the rebels on Turkana IV."
Arrgh. The second worst non-aligned (although she looks somewhat good). A Civilian is not worth anything unless you're using the Naiskos, Youth is a skill that all affiliations have in abundance and Treachery is one of those skills that are rare but useless for one affiliation (Fed) and highly use- ful but common as dirt for another (Rom). Combined with the sub-par (read below 5) Integrity, Ishara just SUX. Worse still, the few cases Youth is needed, Treachery isn't even remotely useful and the other way round. And both are not the skills you would want to build a deck around (well, perhaps a Romulan all-space-mission deck around Treachery, but you'd need a few more expansion cards for this).

One plus: perhaps the most famous character among the (few) non-aligned cards printed yet.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : ISHARA YAR

Wesley's rating:                3.5
Conner's rating:                4.5
Habib's rating:                 3.5
Phil's rating:                  3.0
Lore's rating:                  6.4
Owen's rating:                  1.9
Ian's rating:                   1.9
Jack's rating:                  5.0
Jason's rating:                 4.5
GoOski's rating:                3.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 3.72

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: blohmer@pips11.informatik.uni-mannheim.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"