Wesley's STCCG card of the day #75

Hi, folks,

we've seen about everything in Card of the Day right now, but there are lots of cards that just aren't interesting enough to be worth a review of their own. So for this issue, let's take a bunch of them and do an issue of


1) All Basic Outposts. (3 cards)

These are like Basic Lands in Magic. You need them. Period. Only point worth noting is the little compensation in the Federation Outpost with the two less shields, but I never saw this making a difference.

Rating: 9.9 each (much better than the neutral one)

2) The Phasers / Disruptors / PADD's. (6 cards)

These are just weak. To make them better than an extra crewmember I would need to put them with at least 5 people. Otherwise I prefer adding a strong or cunning personnel and get not only arrtibute points but skills, too.

Rating: 1.5 for the STRENGTH enhancers
        1.0 for the CUNNING boosters

3) The Kits / Tricorders / Engineering PADD. (5 cards)

The kits are somewhat useful as is the regular Tricorder. In most cases I have an abundance of OFFICERs, but too few MEDICAL and SCIENCE. Too bad you cannot use the granted skills as basis for other equipment, other- wise this might have been an interesting strategy (OFFICERs + Engineering Kit + Tricorder + Medical Tricorder) The two equipment that add to the SCIENCE personnel are redundant for me - I am always short on Science.

Rating: 6.5 Medical Kit
        4.5 Tricorder
        4.5 Engineering Kit
        1.0 all others

4) All common Federation personnel from the basic set. (11 cards)

These are just weak. While the Federation have by far the best uncommons and rares, these cannot be seen as anything but a chance for the beginner to get a classification in which he doesn't have an uncommon or rare yet.

Ratings: Between 2.0 (Giusti) and 4.5 (Simon Tarses, male Medical!)

5) The Treaty and Espionage cards. (7 cards)

I have mentioned these several times as support cards for strategies and I guess there will sooner or later be an article in Deck of the Week con- cerning these card types.

Ratings: 1.5 Treaties
         4.0 Espionage

6) The Shuttlecrafts. (2 cards)

Weak, but I might someday change my mind if the rule about carrying shuttles aboard large ships becomes implemented.

Ratings: 1.0. (3.5 if playing Klingon)

7) Raise the Stakes. (1 card)

This is not a gaming card but a gambling card.

Rating: Tear this apart and throw it away.

8) All Dilemmas that say "Damages ship unless ***" (4 cards)

At the speed normal games proceed, these do far too little harm to be interesting. Besides that, their requirements to overcome are easy to meet.

Ratings: 1.0

9) All remaining missions from the basic set except Investigate Time Continuum (38 cards)

Easy: I've done a few, they ARE quite similar and with the five I've done, everybody should be able to evaluate missions for themselves. The Time Continuum thing is a special case as there is a nasty Mission/Dilemma combo which I might want to publish some day.

Ratings: 5.5 (just hopelessly average)            

Favorite combo(s):


(See above)

So that was this. Easily doubled the number of cards marked as "done".
Back to the interesting stuff tomorrow.

PS: With this article you now can build complete decks with 60 cards that have been reviewed, so you don't miss all the opportunities behind them...

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: blohmer@pips11.informatik.uni-mannheim.de

Visit the Web Page! http://www.wolfe.net/~conner/COTD.html
With all back issues from #1 up to today ! Even the long-lost #13 is there!


Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"